April 21, 2009

MySQL Case Study - 174

Finding Numbers

How do I find only INT, BIGINT numbers from a column?
For e.g. in the following column I want to return 43344433 only
And not 434-433 or any other row that has dash or comma or space.

mysql> select * from ztest where name REGEXP '[[:digit:]]-';
| name |
| 434-433 |
| 4334-4433 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from ztest ;
| name |
| '004500' '00984' |
| '0304500' , '020984' |
| '000304500' , '00020984' |
| '000304500' '00020984' |
| '000304500 00020984' |
| '000304500, 00020984' |
| 434-433 |
| 4334-4433 |
| 43344433 |
9 rows in set (0.00 sec)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:26 AM

    + (showing there must be 1 or more digits), and add ^ and $ to indicate the start and end of the string:

    SELECT * FROM zTest WHERE name REGEXP '^[[:digit:]]+$';

    In other words, the name must match: start of string, 1 or more digits, end of string, and nothing else.


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