Shantanu's Blog

Database Consultant

December 21, 2010


MySQL Case Study - 181

ON DUPLICATE KEY insert into an audit or log table

Is there a way to accomplish this?

INSERT IGNORE INTO some_table (one,two,three) VALUES(1,2,3)
ON DUPLICATE KEY (INSERT INTO audit_table VALUES(NOW(),'Duplicate key ignored')

I really don't want to use PHP for this :(

If you want to consider using a stored procedure, you can use a DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER. Here's an example:

username VARCHAR(30),
first_name VARCHAR(30),
last_name VARCHAR(30),
PRIMARY KEY (username)

CREATE TABLE audit_table (timestamp datetime, description varchar(255));

(in_username VARCHAR(30),
in_first_name VARCHAR(30),
in_last_name VARCHAR(30))
DECLARE duplicate_key INT DEFAULT 0;
DECLARE EXIT HANDLER FOR 1062 SET duplicate_key = 1;

INSERT INTO users (username, first_name, last_name)
VALUES (in_username, in_first_name, in_last_name);

IF duplicate_key = 1 THEN
INSERT INTO audit_table VALUES(NOW(), 'Duplicate key ignored');

Let's add some data, trying to insert a duplicate key:

CALL add_user('userA', 'Bob', 'Smith');
CALL add_user('userB', 'Paul', 'Green');
CALL add_user('userA', 'Jack', 'Brown');


SELECT * FROM users;
| username | first_name | last_name |
| userA | Bob | Smith |
| userB | Paul | Green |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

SELECT * FROM audit_table;
| timestamp | description |
| 2010-10-07 20:17:35 | Duplicate key ignored |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


December 15, 2010


Replication: step-by-step

ssh to master and slave in 2 different windows. Make sure maatkit is installed on both servers. start the script logging and mysql logging.


$$ On (Slave)
// check disk space
// make sure innodb is configured but all logs are disabled in my.cnf
// create a super user equivalent to root
# mysql -e"grant all on *.* to 'shantanu'@'%' identified by 'shantanu@123' with grant option;"
# mysql -e"grant all on *.* to 'shantanu'@'localhost' identified by 'shantanu@123' with grant option;"

// open the port for copying the dump file from master
# time nc -l 1234 > toall_master_data.sql

$$ On (Master)
// create a super user equivalent to root
# mysql -e"grant all on *.* to 'shantanu'@'%' identified by 'shantanu@123' with grant option;"
# mysql -e"grant all on *.* to 'shantanu'@'localhost' identified by 'shantanu@123' with grant option;"

// copy the users and privileges to slave
# mk-show-grants -ushantanu -pshantanu@123 | mysql -h10.10.10.3 -ushantanu -pshantanu@123

// take the dump
# time mysqldump --all-databases -R --single-transaction --master-data=2 | perl /home/shantanu/ --delete > to_all_db_to_3.sql
real 3m21.331s
user 1m10.234s
sys 0m10.378s

// send the dump file to slave
# time nc 1234 < to_all_db_to_3.sql
real 1m17.768s
user 0m1.800s
sys 0m12.713s

$$ On (Slave)
# time mysql < to_all_db_to_3.sql

~ 40 minutes

// run the chnage master to command generated from the following file
# head -100 toall_master_data.sql | grep 'CHANGE MASTER TO' | sed 's/--//' | replace ";" " , MASTER_USER='slave_user', MASTER_PASSWORD='slave_user', MASTER_HOST='';"

// check slave status
mysql -e"show slave status\G"

// compare row count in test database with master
mk-table-checksum h=localhost,u=shantanu,p=shantanu@123,P=3306 --databases test h=,u=shantanu,p=shantanu@123,P=3306 --databases test | mk-checksum-filter

// drop user shantanu
mysql -ushantanu -pshantanu@123 -e"drop user shantanu;"

$$ On (Master)
// compare row count in test database with slave
mk-table-checksum h=localhost,u=shantanu,p=shantanu@123,P=3306 --databases test h=,u=shantanu,p=shantanu@123,P=3306 --databases test | mk-checksum-filter

// drop user shantanu
mysql -ushantanu -pshantanu@123 -e"drop user shantanu;"

Or run the shell script to check if all the tables are in sync

# time sh -xv

# vi
# change the slave IP as default IP address if no IP is provided
for dbName in `mysqlshow`
mk-table-checksum h=localhost,u=shantanu,p=shantanu@123,P=3306 --databases $dbName h=$myslave,u=shantanu,p=shantanu@123,P=3306 --databases $dbName --no-crc --count | mk-checksum-filter

This can also do done in a single command as shown below:

for dbName in `mysqlshow -uroot -proot@123`; do /usr/bin/mk-table-checksum h=localhost,u=root,p=root@123,P=3306 --databases $dbName h=,u=root,p=root@123,P=3306 --databases $dbName --count --no-crc | /usr/bin/mk-checksum-filter; done



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