Shantanu's Blog

Database Consultant

October 29, 2008


exception handler

Here is a procedure that will create a new product code or - if the product code already exits, update it with a new name.
The procedure detects an attempt to insert a duplicate value by using an exception handler. If the attempt to insert fails, the error is trapped and an UPDATE is issued in place of the INSERT. Without the exception handler, the stored program execution is stopped, and the exception is passed back unhandled to the calling program.

CREATE PROCEDURE sp_product_code
(in_product_code VARCHAR(2),
in_product_name VARCHAR(30))


DECLARE 1_dupkey_indicator INT DEFAULT 0;
DECLARE duplicate_key CONDITION FOR 1062;
DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR duplicate_key SET 1_dupkey_indicator =1;

INSERT INTO product_code (product_code, product_name) VALUES (in_product_code, in_product_name);

IF 1_dupkey_indicator THEN
UPDATE product_codes SET product_name=in_product_name WHERE product_code=in_product_code;

Define a named condition, duplicate_key, that is associated with MySQL error 1062. While this step is not strictly necessary, we recommend that
you define such conditions to improve the readability of your code (you can now reference the error by name instead of number).

Define an error that will trap the duplicate key error and then set the value of the variable 1_dupkey_indicator to 1 (true) if a duplicate key violation is encountered anywhere in the subsequent code.

You can now check the value of 1_dupkey_indicator variable. If it is still 0, then the INSERT was successful and we are done. If the value has been changed to 1 (true), we know that there has been a duplicate key violation. We then run the update statement.

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October 12, 2008


Partitions in 5.1

Since I am using archive table in order to compress the data, I can't use any keys and still make the select query fast by taking advantage of the partitions.
You can create regular MyISAM or InnoDB tables with regular keys and use both, keys + partitions.
Sounds intereting, right?

drop table tr;

CREATE TABLE tr (id INT, name VARCHAR(50), purchased DATE) engine=archive

(1, 'desk organiser', '2003-10-15'),
(2, 'CD player', '1993-11-05'),
(3, 'TV set', '1996-03-10'),
(4, 'bookcase', '1982-01-10'),
(5, 'exercise bike', '2004-05-09'),
(6, 'sofa', '1987-06-05'),
(7, 'popcorn maker', '2001-11-22'),
(8, 'aquarium', '1992-08-04'),
(9, 'study desk', '1984-09-16'),
(10, 'lava lamp', '1998-12-25');

SELECT * FROM tr WHERE purchased BETWEEN '1995-01-01' AND '1999-12-31';

mysql> explain partitions SELECT * FROM tr WHERE purchased BETWEEN '1995-01-01' AND '1999-12-31'\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
id: 1
select_type: SIMPLE
table: tr
partitions: p2
type: ALL
possible_keys: NULL
key: NULL
key_len: NULL
ref: NULL
rows: 10
Extra: Using where

mysql> SELECT * FROM tr WHERE purchased BETWEEN '1995-01-01' AND '1999-12-31';
| id | name | purchased |
| 3 | TV set | 1996-03-10 |
| 10 | lava lamp | 1998-12-25 |

If you have a key on purchased column and the table type is MyISAM or InnoDB then the explain plan will look like this...

mysql> explain partitions SELECT purchased FROM tr WHERE purchased BETWEEN '1995-01-01' AND '1999-12-31'\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
id: 1
select_type: SIMPLE
table: tr
partitions: p2
type: range
possible_keys: purchased
key: purchased
key_len: 4
ref: NULL
rows: 1
Extra: Using where; Using index

The following query will let me know about the details of partitions from information schema...

mysql> SELECT TABLE_SCHEMA AS db, TABLE_NAME AS tb, PARTITION_NAME AS pName, TABLE_ROWS AS rows, PARTITION_EXPRESSION AS criterion, PARTITION_DESCRIPTION as ulimit, PARTITION_METHOD as method, CREATE_TIME as ctime, UPDATE_TIME as mtime FROM information_schema.partitions WHERE table_name = 'tr';
| db | tb | pName | rows | criterion | ulimit | method | ctime | mtime |
| shantanuo | tr | p0 | 3 | YEAR(purchased) | 1990 | RANGE | 2008-10-12 13:55:23 | 2008-10-12 13:55:24 |
| shantanuo | tr | p1 | 2 | YEAR(purchased) | 1995 | RANGE | 2008-10-12 13:55:23 | 2008-10-12 13:55:24 |
| shantanuo | tr | p2 | 2 | YEAR(purchased) | 2000 | RANGE | 2008-10-12 13:55:23 | 2008-10-12 13:55:24 |
| shantanuo | tr | p3 | 3 | YEAR(purchased) | 2005 | RANGE | 2008-10-12 13:55:23 | 2008-10-12 13:55:24 |
4 rows in set (56.70 sec)

I tried it on a big test table and found that one should use partitions especially with archive table types. Since archive does not support indexes, some of the queries are very slow. But now I can take advantage of partitions and I do not need indexes because MySQL will fetch the data from a relatively small file. See the example given below.

The MyISAM table with basic indexes consumed 20 GB to store 72,88,953 rows.

-rw-r----- 1 mysql mysql 11K Oct 14 17:17 Feedback.frm
-rw-r----- 1 mysql mysql 20G Oct 14 17:48 Feedback.MYD
-rw-r----- 1 mysql mysql 567M Oct 14 17:49 Feedback.MYI

The archive table is less than 2 GB (<90%) and partitioning broke it up to 9 files of about 300 MB each.

-rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql 11K Oct 15 17:46 Feedback_archive2.frm
-rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql 76 Oct 15 17:46 Feedback_archive2.par
-rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql 88 Oct 15 17:46 Feedback_archive2#P#p803.ARZ
-rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql 23M Oct 16 03:30 Feedback_archive2#P#p804.ARZ
-rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql 108M Oct 16 03:30 Feedback_archive2#P#p805.ARZ
-rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql 352M Oct 16 03:30 Feedback_archive2#P#p806.ARZ
-rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql 308M Oct 16 03:30 Feedback_archive2#P#p807.ARZ
-rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql 305M Oct 16 03:30 Feedback_archive2#P#p808.ARZ
-rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql 375M Oct 16 03:30 Feedback_archive2#P#p809.ARZ
-rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql 366M Oct 16 03:30 Feedback_archive2#P#p810.ARZ
-rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql 134M Oct 16 03:30 Feedback_archive2#P#p811.ARZ

If I remove some of the unnecessary columns from the table then the size of the table is again reduced by 1GB as shown below.

-rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql 15K Oct 14 18:41 Feedback_archive.frm
-rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql 76 Oct 14 18:41 Feedback_archive.par
-rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql 88 Oct 14 18:41 Feedback_archive#P#p803.ARZ
-rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql 11M Oct 15 03:30 Feedback_archive#P#p804.ARZ
-rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql 47M Oct 15 03:30 Feedback_archive#P#p805.ARZ
-rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql 155M Oct 15 03:30 Feedback_archive#P#p806.ARZ
-rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql 146M Oct 15 03:30 Feedback_archive#P#p807.ARZ
-rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql 149M Oct 15 03:30 Feedback_archive#P#p808.ARZ
-rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql 169M Oct 15 03:30 Feedback_archive#P#p809.ARZ
-rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql 154M Oct 15 03:30 Feedback_archive#P#p810.ARZ
-rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql 58M Oct 15 03:30 Feedback_archive#P#p811.ARZ

| p803 | 0 |
| p804 | 85679 |
| p805 | 390157 |
| p806 | 1319141 |
| p807 | 1229578 |
| p808 | 1276819 |
| p809 | 1287831 |
| p810 | 1164843 |
| p811 | 534905 |
9 rows in set (0.00 sec)

And the relevant extract of the create table statement looks like this...

) ENGINE=ARCHIVE PARTITION BY RANGE (extract(year_month from (FeedDate)))

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October 10, 2008


mysqldump backups and transfers

mysqldump and change dump file
// Good for backups
mysqldump --all-databases

// Only one database named 'test'
mysqldump test

// Only one table tt from the database test
mysqldump test tt

// all tables from test database except table Audit
mysqldump test --ignore-table=Audit

// save the dump to a file
mysqldump test tt > testing1.txt

// only structure without Data
mysqldump test -d

// only data in tab delimited format
mysqldump test tt --tab=/var/lib/mysql/customers

// dump the data in comma separated format just like --tab option
mysqldump --compact --no-create-info --skip-extended-insert db_name tbl_name | sed 's/INSERT .*.(//' | sed 's/);$//'

// dump a single row from each table with their column names
mysqldump emailplatform_db --no-create-info --where="1=1 limit 1" --compact --complete-insert 

copy the tt.sql and tt.txt files to another host and restore...
cat /backup/*.sql | mysql sakila
mysqlimport sakila /backup/*.txt

// without comments, lock tables, drop table if exist
// only create table statement and insert into in a single statement
mysqldump test tt --compact
`name` varchar(50) default NULL
INSERT INTO `tt` VALUES ('aba'),('abacad'),('abacadaea'),('aba'),('abacad'),('abacadaea');

// triggers backup
mysqldump -hlocalhost -uroot -proot@123 db_name -d --no-create-info | sed -e 's/DEFINER[ ]*=[ ]*[^*]*\*/\*/' > triggers_backup.sql

# drop current triggers
mysql -Bse"select CONCAT('drop trigger ', TRIGGER_SCHEMA, '.', TRIGGER_NAME, ';') from information_schema.triggers" | mysql -hlocalhost -uroot -proot@123

# Restore from file, use root@localhost credentials
mysql -hlocalhost -uroot -proot@123 < triggers_backup.sql

// without create table statement
mysqldump test tt --compact --no-create-info
INSERT INTO `tt` VALUES ('aba'),('abacad'),('abacadaea'),('aba'),('abacad'),('abacadaea');

// separate insert statements
mysqldump test tt --compact --no-create-info --skip-extended-insert --skip-tz-utc
INSERT INTO `tt` VALUES ('aba');
INSERT INTO `tt` VALUES ('abacad');
INSERT INTO `tt` VALUES ('abacadaea');
INSERT INTO `tt` VALUES ('aba');
INSERT INTO `tt` VALUES ('abacad');
INSERT INTO `tt` VALUES ('abacadaea');

// only records that satisfy a criterion
mysqldump test tt --compact --no-create-info --skip-triggers --insert-ignore --skip-extended-insert --where="name like 'abacada%'"
INSERT ignore INTO `tt` VALUES ('abacadaea');
INSERT ignore INTO `tt` VALUES ('abacadaea');

mysqldump db_name table_names ox_banners ox_campaigns --compact --no-create-info --skip-extended-insert  --where 'campaignid = 66  '

// 100 records from each table of database dbName for testing
mysqldump --opt --where="true LIMIT 100" dbName > dbname.sql

// backup the stored procedure
mysqldump mysql proc --no-create-info --compact -w"db='db_name' and name='sp_name'"
mysqldump dbname -R -d --compact > somefile.txt
mysqldump -R adyp_mumbai > /root/jdyp_backup/"adyp_mumbai_48_`date +%d%m%y%I`.sql"

// import remote table directly into your local test database
mysqldump -h -P 3306 -ushantanuo -pPassWord shantanuo calendar | mysql test

// dump backup to another server
mysqldump test | ssh "dd of=/mysql/$(date +'%d-%m-%y')"

// transfer one database to another server
mysqldump -h host1 -u username -pPASSWORD database_name | mysql -h host2 -u username -pPASSWORD database_name

// transfer one table to remote server
mysqldump test india | mysql -h -P 3306 -ushantanuo -pindia162 shantanuo

// transfer one table to another using ssh
mysqldump test mytest1 --compact | ssh root@ mysql test

// transfer only data to remote table
mysqldump thisDB thisTBL --no-create-info --compact --skip-quote-names | replace "INSERT INTO thisTBL " "INSERT INTO thisTBL_New " | mysql -h -uroot -pPassWd remoteDB

// Creates and optimized database backup of database then passes the output directly to gzip to compress the data
mysqldump –opt test | gzip > /root/

// Does the same thing as above, but for all of the databases on the server.
mysqldump –opt -A | gzip > destination

// copy a table to another server using gzip and ssh
mysqldump -uroot -pPassWord dbName tbl_name --compact | gzip | ssh 999.999.999.999 "gunzip | mysql -uroot -pPassWord someDB"

// dump all the databases to remote server
for I in $(mysql -e 'show databases' -uroot --pPassWord=root -s --skip-column-names); do mysqldump -uroot --pPassword=root $I | gzip -c | ssh "cat > /home/$I.sql.gz"; done

//do not change the timestamp values based on timezones
mysqldump test testTime --skip-tz-utc

// restore only one database
mysqldump --one-database BooksDB < mytest.txt

// reset auto increment value to 0
# mysqldump -d dbname --compact | sed 's/\(.*ENGINE.*AUTO_INCREMENT=\).*/\10;/g'

// mysql dump of selected databases without data
mysqldump -uroot -pPassWord -d --compact --routine `echo $(mysqlshow -uroot -pPassWord | awk '{print $2}' | egrep -v 'mysql|test|Databases|information_schema|lost\+found')` | sed 's/\(.*ENGINE.*AUTO_INCREMENT=\).*/\10;/g'

// search for a word P122C8 in any column
mysqldump --skip-extended-insert db_name tbl_company | grep 'P122C8'

// In order to maintain the consistency of InnoDB tables
--single-transaction --master-data=2

// copy a procedure from one database to another
(echo "DELIMITER ;; " && mysqldump --all-databases --routines -d | awk '/testProc/,/;;/') | mysql -h192.0.0.0 -uroot -pPassWord Other_DB

// remove the DEFINER from SP or Function
mysqldump -uroot -pPassWord -d --routines dbName | perl /home/develop/ --delete | more
time mysqldump -uroot -pPassWord -R --single-transaction dbDRCG | perl /home/shantanu/ --delete | mysql -uroot -pPassWord shantanu

// or use sed
mysqldump prod_int_dev_ve app_users -d | sed -e 's/DEFINER=[^*]*\*/\*/' | more

// triggers backup
mysqldump -hlocalhost -uroot -proot@123 db_name -d --no-create-info | sed -e 's/DEFINER[ ]*=[ ]*[^*]*\*/\*/' > triggers_backup.sql

# drop current triggers
mysql -Bse"select CONCAT('drop trigger ', TRIGGER_SCHEMA, '.', TRIGGER_NAME, ';') from information_schema.triggers" | mysql -hlocalhost -uroot -proot@123

# Restore from file, use root@localhost credentials
mysql -hlocalhost -uroot -proot@123 < triggers_backup.sql

// change all the definers of stored procedures to root@localhost
mysqldump -uroot --all-databases --no-create-info --no-data -R --skip-triggers | sed -e 's/DEFINER=[^*]*\*/\*/' | mysql -hlocalhost -uroot -proot@123

// strip indexes, change engine, set up slave
##perl -p0777i -e 's/,\n^\)/\n\)/mg' –> after removing the indexes, any commas before the closing bracket need to be removed
mysqldump -uuser -ppassword -h127.0.0.1 -P3306 dbname --master-data=1 | sed 's/ENGINE=MyISAM/ENGINE=archive/g' | grep -v '^ UNIQUE KEY' | grep -v '^ KEY' | perl -p0777i -e 's/,\n^\)/\n\)/mg' | mysql -uuser -ppassword -h127.0.0.1 -P3307 dbname

// Exclude one or two databases from dump
mysql -BNe"show databases" | egrep -vw 'four|five_report|information_schema|mysql|test' | xargs echo mysqldump --single-transaction

// skip 2 tables from dump, can ignore views as well
mysqldump -uroot -proot@123 -h10.10.10.10 -P3308 --all-databases --ignore-table=Batch.JOB_EXECUTION --ignore-table=Batch.EXECUTION_CONTEXT

// skip locking for log tables and take structure backup
50 08 * * * time mysqldump -h10.10.10.10 -uroot -proot@123 -d -R --all-databases --skip-lock-tables --skip-comments | zip > /home/backup_structure_101_$(date +'\%d\%m\%y') 2> /home/backup_err.txt

// one liner to drop all databases
mysqlshow -uroot | egrep -v "(Databases|information_schema|performance_schema|mysql)" | awk '{print "mysql -uroot -Bse \"drop database", $2, "\""}' | sh

// one liner to check foreign key violations
mysqlshow | egrep -v "(Databases|information_schema|performance_schema|mysql)" | awk '{print $2}' | sed '/^$/d' | awk '{sub($1,"mysql \-uroot \-Bse \"call mysql.p_check_fk_constraint_violations\('"'"'&'"'"','"'"'%'"'"'\)\""); print $0}' | sh

// check all DB's for data violation of foreign key
# for dbname in `mysqlshow`; do echo $dbname; mysql -e"call mysql.p_check_fk_constraint_violations('$dbname','%')"; done

## mysql full backup cron
58 11 * * * time mysqldump -h10.11.12.13 -uroot -proot@123 -R --skip-tz-utc --master-data=2 --add-drop-database --databases db1 db2 db3 | zip > /home/shantanu/ 2> /home/shantanu/backup_err.txt

# daily schemawise backup
mysql -BNe"show databases" | egrep -v "(Databases|information_schema|performance_schema|mysql)" | awk '{print "mysqldump -R -f --skip-tz-utc --master-data=2 --add-drop-database --databases", $1, "| gzip > /home/backup/"$1"_$(date +\%Y\%m\%d).sql.gzip"}' | sh

# daily schemawise backup using cron-job. escape special character %
32 09 * * * mysql -BNe"show databases" | egrep -v "(Databases|information_schema|performance_schema|mysql)" | awk '{print "mysqldump -R -f --skip-tz-utc --master-data=2 --add-drop-database --databases", $1, "| gzip > /home/backup/"$1"\_$(date +\%Y\%m\%d).sql.gzip"}' | sh > /home/shantanu/success.txt 2> /home/shantanu/err.txt

// schema wise back up of all databases starting with "STR"
time mysql -BNe"show databases" | grep ^STR | awk '{print "mysqldump -R -f --skip-tz-utc --master-data=2 --add-drop-database --databases", $1, "| gzip > /home/shantanu/STR/"$1".sql.gzip"}' | sh

// create blackhole tables on slave for dry run purpose
time mysqldump --databases db_name -d --skip-add-drop-table | sed 's/ENGINE=MyISAM/ENGINE=BLACKHOLE/g' | mysql -h Remote_server_ip -uUser_Name -pPassWd

// return the root user privileges
mysqldump mysql user --compact --no-create-info  --where="Host = 'localhost' and User = 'root'"

// there is no –ignore-database option, use the following to select specific DB from a long list
time mysqldump --databases `mysql -Bse "SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(schema_name SEPARATOR ' ') FROM information_schema.schemata WHERE schema_name NOT IN ('mysql','performance_schema','information_schema');" >` >/mysql/backup/rds2.sql

# create the same user root as localhost to access from any IP address
 mysqldump mysql user --where='Host="localhost" and User="root" limit 1' --compact --no-create-info | sed 's/localhost/%/' | mysql mysql && mysqladmin flush-privileges

// there are times when Linux commands like SED and GREP are more powerful than mysql update and alter:

mysqldump test AIRPORT --no-create-info --compact --skip-extended-insert | sed 's/INSERT INTO `AIRPORT` VALUES (//g' | sed 's/);//' > to_load.txt
1,'new airpor\"t',1
3,'3 airport',0

// MySQL dump by default uses the extended mode that has multiple values in a single insert into statement. sed to break that up into several statements

sed 's/),(/); insert into audit_trail values (/g'  mysqldump.sql > skip_extended_dump.txt

// Verbose mode can be activated and error log redirected to standard log in order to find the statement that has any issues

time mysql db_name -fvvv < skip_extended_dump.txt 2>to_study_err.txt >&2

// process the data found in file to_load.txt and then load it back after truncating the table

LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE 'to_load.txt' into table AIRPORT fields terminated by ',' optionally enclosed by "'";

// if you did not take mysqldump backup using --replace or --insert-ignore
sed -i 's/^INSERT INTO/INSERT IGNORE INTO/' filename.sql

To pipe into gzip:
mysqldump [options] | gzip -c > output.sql.gz
mysqldump [options] | gzip --std-out > output.sql.gz

To avoid saving the output file directly to the disk:
mysqldump | gzip --std-out | ssh username@host “cd /preferred_path/; cat > mysqldump_file.gz”

or even more fancy (though, if one step dies this can be a problem)
mysqldump | gzip --std-out | ssh username@host “ cat > mysql -u username -p password”
(Note: If you prefer, netcat can be used instead of ssh)

# typical backup command to be used on master server:
time mysqldump -h192.168.1.1 -ushantanu -pPassWd -R --master-data=2 db_name | zip > /home/

You can use --compact or --skip-add-drop-table option to suppress the drop table if exist statement in the dump.
But if you have received a file that has the line, you will need to remove it before executing the dump so that the data will be updated in the existing records.

// Use sed to delete those sql statements before importing

# Create a temporary filename
uniq="/tmp/temp_"`date "+%s"`
for item in `ssh user@dbserver ls`;
echo -n "Importing $item..."
scp user@dbserver\:$item $uniq;
gunzip < $uniq | sed {/$'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS'/d} | mysql -f -u root $DB_SCHEMA_NAME
echo "..done"

# clean up
rm -f "$uniq"


If you like to keep your ddl backed up in some source management tool like svn or cvs and want to do it individually for stored procedures, events, triggers, tables and such rather than having a single file you can easily do so using the below.

password=`cat ~/.backup_password`
date=`date +%Y%m%d`

mysqldump -u$user -p$password -h$hostname -P$port --no-create-info --no-data --no-create-db --skip-opt $dbname > "$path"/"$dbname"_triggers_"$date".sql
mysqldump -u$user -p$password -h$hostname -P$port --routines --skip-triggers --no-create-info --no-data --no-create-db --skip-opt $dbname > "$path"/"$dbname"_routines_"$date".sql
mysqldump -u$user -p$password -h$hostname -P$port --events --skip-triggers --no-create-info --no-data --no-create-db --skip-opt $dbname > "$path"/"$dbname"_events_"$date".sql
mysqldump -u$user -p$password -h$hostname -P$port --skip-triggers --no-data --no-create-db --skip-opt $dbname > "$path"/"$dbname"_tables_"$date".sql


Copy data from one server to another.

Sending server:
mysqldump db_name tbl_name | bzip2 -c | nc -l 1234

Receiving server:
nc 1234 | bzip2 -cd | mysql -uroot -proot@123 db_name


October 05, 2008


Unix Tip

Combining CLI

# cat redirect_example


cat <<- ATC | sed "s/^/Redirect Example => /g" >> atc.out
This is an example of how to redirect
stdout to a file as well as pipe stdout into stdin
of another command (i.e. sed), all done inside
a here-document.

Cool eh?

Now let's see what the script looks like with the redirection and pipeline.

# ./redirect_example

# cat atc.out
Redirect Example => This is an example of how to redirect
Redirect Example => stdout to a file as well as pipe stdout into stdin
Redirect Example => of another command (i.e. sed), all done inside
Redirect Example => a here-document.
Redirect Example =>
Redirect Example => Cool eh?

Read more


October 02, 2008


E-mail errors and troubleshooting

Add the MAILTO line to your cron file, if you want an e-mail of errors.

crontab -e

For all other errors/ warnings you can create a forward file

1) create a new file called .forward
vi /root/.forward

2) Enter the email address on the first line in the file.

3) Save (w) the file and exit (q)

Now, anytime the ‘root’ user get an email, it will automatically be forwarded to the address you specified in the .forward file.

Click on "Create a filter" link in gmail.
Type in the to: field. root@localhost.localdomain in the from filed. Use the check boxes "delete it" and "never send it to spam". Now these messages are automatically deleted as well as you can read them if there is any issue.


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