Shantanu's Blog

Database Consultant

April 26, 2012


Expand root EBS volume

The steps to expand the existing root EBS volume for an EBS-backed instance:

    * Stop the instance.
    * Create a snapshot of the root EBS volume.
    * Create an ESB volume from that snapshot with the new desired size. (Please ensure it is in the same AZ as the instance)
    * Detach the root EBS volume and attach the newly created EBS volume to /dev/sda1 on the instance.
    * Start the instance and then login.
    * Enter 'df -h' to see the current size of the root volume.
    * Enter 'sudo resize2fs /dev/sda1' to get the rest of the expanded disk.
    * Enter 'df -h' again to see the new size of the root volume.


Partition Guide

Here are useful commands one can use while working with partitions.

CREATE TABLE `data_summary` (
  `data_summary_ad_hourly_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `date_time` datetime NOT NULL,
  `ad_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
some more columns

This is the table without any partitions. We need to use alter table statement to divide it.

ALTER TABLE `data_summary`
PARTITION 20120315parti VALUES less than (to_seconds('2012-03-15 00:00:00')),
PARTITION 20120316parti VALUES less than (to_seconds('2012-03-16 00:00:00')),
PARTITION 20120317parti VALUES less than (to_seconds('2012-03-17 00:00:00')),
PARTITION 20120318parti VALUES less than (to_seconds('2012-03-18 00:00:00')),
PARTITION 20120319parti VALUES less than (to_seconds('2012-03-19 00:00:00')),
PARTITION 20120320parti VALUES less than (to_seconds('2012-03-20 00:00:00')),
PARTITION 20120321parti VALUES less than (to_seconds('2012-03-21 00:00:00')),
PARTITION 20120322parti VALUES less than (to_seconds('2012-03-22 00:00:00')),
PARTITION 20120323parti VALUES less than (to_seconds('2012-03-23 00:00:00')),
PARTITION 20120324parti VALUES less than (to_seconds('2012-03-24 00:00:00')),
PARTITION 20120325parti VALUES less than (to_seconds('2012-03-25 00:00:00')),
PARTITION 20120326parti VALUES less than (to_seconds('2012-03-26 00:00:00')),
PARTITION 20120327parti VALUES less than (to_seconds('2012-03-27 00:00:00')),
PARTITION 20120328parti VALUES less than (to_seconds('2012-03-28 00:00:00')),
PARTITION 20120329parti VALUES less than (to_seconds('2012-03-29 00:00:00')),
PARTITION 20120330parti VALUES less than (to_seconds('2012-03-30 00:00:00')),
PARTITION 20120331parti VALUES less than (to_seconds('2012-03-31 00:00:00')),
PARTITION 20120401parti VALUES less than (to_seconds('2012-04-01 00:00:00')),
PARTITION 20120402parti VALUES less than (to_seconds('2012-04-02 00:00:00')),
PARTITION 20120403parti VALUES less than (to_seconds('2012-04-03 00:00:00')),
PARTITION 20120404parti VALUES less than (to_seconds('2012-04-04 00:00:00')),
PARTITION 20120405parti VALUES less than (to_seconds('2012-04-05 00:00:00')),
PARTITION 20120406parti VALUES less than (to_seconds('2012-04-06 00:00:00')),
PARTITION 20120407parti VALUES less than (to_seconds('2012-04-07 00:00:00')),
PARTITION 20120408parti VALUES less than (to_seconds('2012-04-08 00:00:00')),
PARTITION 20120409parti VALUES less than (to_seconds('2012-04-09 00:00:00')),
PARTITION 20120410parti VALUES less than (to_seconds('2012-04-10 00:00:00')),
PARTITION 20120411parti VALUES less than (to_seconds('2012-04-11 00:00:00')),
PARTITION 20120412parti VALUES less than (to_seconds('2012-04-12 00:00:00')),
PARTITION 20120413parti VALUES less than (to_seconds('2012-04-13 00:00:00')),
PARTITION 20120414parti VALUES less than (to_seconds('2012-04-14 00:00:00')),
PARTITION 20120415parti VALUES less than (to_seconds('2012-04-15 00:00:00')),

We can not add partitions to the earlier date range. For e.g. when I try to add a partition at lower end, March 13 and March 14 it does not work.

ALTER TABLE `data_summary`
PARTITION 20120313parti VALUES less than (to_seconds('2012-03-13 00:00:00')),
PARTITION 20120314parti VALUES less than (to_seconds('2012-03-14 00:00:00'))

ERROR 1520 (HY000): Reorganize of range partitions cannot change total ranges except for last partition where it can extend the range

If you really need to create partitions for older days, it is still possible to drop and recreate all partitions as explained below.

But we can add partitions at the higher end.

ALTER TABLE `data_summary`
PARTITION 20120416parti VALUES less than (to_seconds('2012-04-16 00:00:00')),

So we are taking data from the "maxParti" partition and splitting it up in April 16 partition and rest again in "maxParti" partition.


We can merge the data of March 15, 16 and 17 into a single partition called "20120315TO17parti"

ALTER TABLE `data_summary`
REORGANIZE PARTITION  20120315parti, 20120316parti, 20120317parti INTO (
PARTITION 20120315TO17parti VALUES less than (to_seconds('2012-03-17 00:00:00'))


We can totally change the way the data is divided by merging and splitting records all over again.

ALTER TABLE `data_summary`
 20120315TO17parti, 20120318parti,  20120319parti, 20120320parti,  20120321parti, 20120322parti,  20120323parti, 20120324parti,  20120325parti, 20120326parti,  20120327parti, 20120328parti,  20120329parti, 20120330parti,  20120331parti, 20120401parti,  20120402parti, 20120403parti,  20120404parti, 20120405parti,  20120406parti, 20120407parti,  20120408parti, 20120409parti,  20120410parti, 20120411parti,  20120412parti, 20120413parti,  20120414parti, 20120415parti, 20120416parti, maxParti
PARTITION 20120313parti VALUES less than (to_seconds('2012-03-13 00:00:00')),
PARTITION 20120314parti VALUES less than (to_seconds('2012-03-14 00:00:00')),
PARTITION 20120315parti VALUES less than (to_seconds('2012-03-15 00:00:00')),
PARTITION 20120316parti VALUES less than (to_seconds('2012-03-16 00:00:00')),

So the newly organized table will look like this...

mysql> SHOW CREATE TABLE `data_summary` \G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
       Table: data_summary
Create Table: CREATE TABLE `data_summary` (
  `data_summary_ad_hourly_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `date_time` datetime NOT NULL,
  `ad_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
some more columns
/*!50500 PARTITION BY RANGE (TO_SECONDS(`date_time` ))
(PARTITION 20120313parti VALUES LESS THAN (63498816000) ENGINE = MyISAM,
 PARTITION 20120314parti VALUES LESS THAN (63498902400) ENGINE = MyISAM,
 PARTITION 20120315parti VALUES LESS THAN (63498988800) ENGINE = MyISAM,
 PARTITION 20120316parti VALUES LESS THAN (63499075200) ENGINE = MyISAM,
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


We can complete drop the partition along with the data by altering the table.

ALTER TABLE data_summary DROP PARTITION 20120313parti;

We can also truncate the data within a single or multiple partitions.
ALTER TABLE data_summary TRUNCATE PARTITION 20120314parti, 20120315parti;


Using load data efficiently

I have a tab separated text file as follows that needs to be imported in MySQL. The table however has only 3 columns while the text file being imported as 4 columns.
Here is an example file that has been generated using "select into outfile" syntax. It creates a tab delimited outfile.

# cat extract.txt
1    shantanu    mumbai, india
2    sameer    NY, USA
3    amar    jamnagar, ahmadabad
4    akbar    Hyderabad    forth column

1) I can still use "load data" command and mysql will ignore the forth column and show a warning about what it has done.
2) You can use column names while importing data. Use variable for e.g. @some_text to suppress that column.
3) You can do calculations / replacements using "set" keyword in load data statement.

Here is how to convert the IP addresses to Integer numeric values.

load data local infile 'sample.csv' into table test.raw_20120425 fields terminated by '^' (id, createid, @a, country, telco_name, some ... more ... columns ..) set ip = inet_aton(@a);

mysql> drop table if exists loadme;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.03 sec)

mysql> create table loadme (id int, name varchar(100), address varchar(100));
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.15 sec)

mysql> load data infile 'extract.txt' into table loadme;
Query OK, 4 rows affected, 1 warning (0.00 sec)
Records: 4  Deleted: 0  Skipped: 0  Warnings: 1

mysql> show warnings;
| Level   | Code | Message                                                                   |
| Warning | 1262 | Row 4 was truncated; it contained more data than there were input columns |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from loadme;
| id   | name     | address             |
|    1 | shantanu | mumbai, india       |
|    2 | sameer   | NY, USA             |
|    3 | amar     | jamnagar, ahmadabad |
|    4 | akbar    | Hyderabad           |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> load data infile 'extract.txt' into table loadme (id, name, address, @extra);
Query OK, 4 rows affected (0.00 sec)
Records: 4  Deleted: 0  Skipped: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql> load data infile 'extract.txt' into table loadme (id, name, address, @extra) set name=@extra;
Query OK, 4 rows affected (0.01 sec)
Records: 4  Deleted: 0  Skipped: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql> select * from loadme;
| id   | name         | address             |
|    1 | shantanu     | mumbai, india       |
|    2 | sameer       | NY, USA             |
|    3 | amar         | jamnagar, ahmadabad |
|    4 | akbar        | Hyderabad           |
|    1 | shantanu     | mumbai, india       |
|    2 | sameer       | NY, USA             |
|    3 | amar         | jamnagar, ahmadabad |
|    4 | akbar        | Hyderabad           |
|    1 | NULL         | mumbai, india       |
|    2 | NULL         | NY, USA             |
|    3 | NULL         | jamnagar, ahmadabad |
|    4 | forth column | Hyderabad           |
12 rows in set (0.00 sec)


April 19, 2012


same key pair file across all regions

It is better to have a single key-pair file across all regions so that it will be easy to connect to any server.
The following script will copy your rsa key to all regions and the key name will be "common_developer".

# upload a key that can be used across all regions

cat > common_developer.rsa << "my_devkey"
ssh-rsa AAAAB3Nz ... G41MT-S2

regions=$(ec2-describe-regions --private-key pk-developer.pem --cert cert-developer.pem | cut -f2)

for region in $regions; do
echo $region
ec2-import-keypair --region $region --private-key pk-developer.pem --cert cert-developer.pem --public-key-file common_developer.rsa common_developer

You can now use this file while connecting to a server using the following command.

ssh -i common_developer.pem

This applies to the servers initiated with this new key-pair. For old servers you will need to copy the rsa key manually.

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connect to several servers

When there are several servers those you may need to connect, it is easier to create a single file instead of several executables.

case $1 in
"development") ssh -i development.pem ; break;;
"production") ssh -i production.pem; break;;
*) echo "Sorry, I can not connect, please check server name ";;

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April 18, 2012


AWS audit

Here is a shell script that will give you complete picture of all the objects you have across regions.

# skip the following 4 lines if the environment variables are already set

export EC2_PRIVATE_KEY=$private_key
export EC2_CERT=$cert

ec2-describe-regions | cut -f 2 | while read myregion
echo "========================"
echo "$myregion Details"
echo "========================"
echo "Instance list"
ec2-describe-instances --region $myregion
echo "Volues list"
ec2-describe-volumes --region $myregion
echo "Addresses list"
ec2-describe-addresses --region $myregion
echo "Zones list"
ec2-describe-availability-zones --region $myregion
echo "Group list"
ec2-describe-group --region $myregion
echo "Image list"
ec2-describe-images --region $myregion
echo "Keypair list"
ec2-describe-keypairs --region $myregion
echo "Reserved Instances list"
ec2-describe-reserved-instances --region $myregion
echo "snapshots list"
ec2-describe-snapshots --region $myregion
done > ec2_audit.txt


April 12, 2012


API tools to manage instances

# here are commands those can be part of shell script that will do most of the instance management tasks for you.


# defince variables
## t1.micro 0.02 ## m1.small 0.08 ## m1.medium 0.16 ## c1.medium 0.165 ## m1.large 0.32 ## m2.xlarge 0.45 ## m1.xlarge 0.64
## c1.xlarge 0.66 ## m2.2xlarge 0.9 ## cc1.4xlarge 1.3 ## m2.4xlarge 1.8 ## cg1.4xlarge 2.1 ## cc2.8xlarge 2.4

# default group will be used if not specified
# default region is virginia us-east-1
## us-west-2 US West Oregon ## us-west-1 US West N. California ## eu-west-1 EU West Ireland
## ap-southeast-1 Asia Pacific Singapore ## ap-northeast-1 Asia Pacific Tokyo ## sa-east-1 South America Sao Paulo

# size in GB and mount point

cat > pk-developer.pem << "my_heredoc"

cat > cert-developer.pem << "my_certdoc"

cat > virginia_developer.pem << "my_devkey"

cat > oregon_developer.pem << "my_devkey"

chmod 700 *.pem

# set environment variables
export EC2_PRIVATE_KEY=$private_key
export EC2_CERT=$cert

ec2-run-instances $ami_id --instance-type $instance_type --region $region --availability-zone $zone --group $group --key $key > run_instances_stan.txt

instance_id=`egrep ^INSTANCE run_instances_stan.txt | cut -f 2`
instance_date=`egrep ^INSTANCE run_instances_stan.txt | cut -f 7`
instance_aki=`egrep ^INSTANCE run_instances_stan.txt | cut -f 9`
instance_ari=`egrep ^INSTANCE run_instances_stan.txt | cut -f 10`

ec2-create-volume --size $volume_size --availability-zone $zone > create_volume_stan.txt

volume_id=`egrep ^VOLUME create_volume_stan.txt | cut -f 2`
volume_date=`egrep ^VOLUME create_volume_stan.txt | cut -f 6`

sleep 120

ec2-describe-instances --region $region "$instance_id" > describe_instances_stan.txt

instance_ip=$(egrep ^INSTANCE describe_instances_stan.txt | cut -f4)

ec2-attach-volume $volume_id --instance $instance_id --device $volume_device

MOUNT=' mkdir /data; mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdh; mount -t ext3 /dev/sdh /data; echo "/dev/sdh /data ext3 defaults 0 0" >>/etc/fstab; '
CMD="$MOUNT echo 0 > /selinux/enforce; yum -y install mysql mysql-server mysql-client java; sed -i.bak 's| *datadir *=.*|datadir = /data/|g' /etc/my.cnf; mysql_install_db ; /etc/init.d/mysqld start ; "

ssh -i $key.pem root@$instance_ip "$CMD"


cat > README << "readme_heredoc"

# get the volume ID
src_volumeid=$(egrep ^BLOCKDEVICE describe_instances_stan.txt | cut -f3)

# Now get the snapshot id from the volume id
ec2-describe-volumes --region $region "$instance_id" | egrep ^VOLUME > /tmp/volume_info
src_snapshotid=$(cut /tmp/volume_info | cut -f2)
echo $src_snapshotid
src_size=$(cut /tmp/volume_info | cut -f2)
echo $src_size
# Create a new volume from the snapshot
#src_volumeid=$(ec2-create-volume --region $src_region --snapshot $src_snapshotid -z $src_availability_zone | egrep ^VOLUME | cut -f2)
echo $src_volumeid

ec2-attach-volume --region $src_region $src_volumeid -i $src_instanceid -d $src_device

# install required tools

# ubuntu
sudo apt-get install ec2-api-tools

# fedora
yum install java
rpm -iUh *.rpm

# describe default images owned by Amazon
ec2-describe-images -o amazon

## terminate instances
# ec2-terminate-instances

## snapshots

Make note of the volume-id and device it’s connected to, eg: vol-abcd1234 and /dev/sdf also make a note of the ramdisk and kernel your running instance is using.
They’ll be something like “ari-12345678″ and “aki-abcdef12″.

# ec2-create-snapshot vol-abcd1234

That’ll give you a snapshot-id back. You then need to wait for the snapshot to finish. Keep running this until it says it’s “completed”:

# ec2-describe-snapshots snap-1234abcd

Finally, you can register the snapshot as an AMI:

# ec2-register –snapshot snap-1234abcd –description “your description here” –name “something-significant-here” –ramdisk ari-12345678 –kernel aki-abcdef12

ec2-describe-instances --private-key pk-developer.pem --cert cert-developer.pem

ec2-create-image -n "My AMI" i-eb977f82



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April 11, 2012


re-sync a table to slave

Let's assume the table ox_data_summary from the database companyDB is out of sync with master and we need to quickly update it. These 4 commands (1 on master and 3 on slave) will update 40 million records in less than 3 minutes. Make sure that the table is MyISAM and no thread is writing to this table on master or else you will copy the inconsistent data.

On Master:

time rsync -e 'ssh -i /root/vservmys3rv3r.pem' -avz /mysql/vserv/ox_data_summary.*

On slave:

mysql test -e" flush table test.ox_data_summary"
mysql companydb -e"drop table companydb.ox_data_summary"
mysql companydb -e"rename table test.ox_data_summary to companydb.ox_data_summary"

You may need to change the companydb to vserv or any other schema name.

We can take the count and check if it matches with the master:
mysql test -e" select count(*) from test.ox_data_summary"

We can also do the same in 2 commands by copying data directly to /mysql/vserv/ folder on slave.


April 09, 2012


Change engine to archive

Here is a script that will change the engine type to archive of all the tables across all schema.


mysql -Bse"select concat(TABLE_SCHEMA, ' ', TABLE_NAME) from information_schema.tables where TABLE_SCHEMA NOT IN ('mysql', 'information_schema', 'test') " | while read schema_name tbl_name
mysql -e"create table $schema_name.$mytbl_name select * from $schema_name.$tbl_name where 1 = 2"
mysql -e"alter table $schema_name.$mytbl_name engine=archive"
mysql -e"insert into $schema_name.$mytbl_name select * from $schema_name.$tbl_name"
if [ $? -eq '0' ];then
mysql -e"drop table $schema_name.$tbl_name"




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