Shantanu's Blog

Database Consultant

May 04, 2012


Copy MySQL data to Google Big Query

Here is a script that will dump the data from mysql and upload it to google cloud. It will then import the data from cloud to Google BigQuery database.
yester_day=`date '+%Y%m%d' --date="1 day ago"`
# split 4 GB
# google bucket name

mkdir $raw_location
cd $raw_location
time mysqldump $schema_name $tbl_name --tab=$raw_location --fields-terminated-by="$field_term"

# make sure input file is UTF-8 file
file $tbl_name.txt

# split files with prefix 
time split -C 4000000000 $tbl_name.txt $file_prefix

for file in `ls $file_prefix*`
# big query does not seem to like double quotes
time sed -i 's/\"//' $file
time gzip $file

# copy to google cloud and then import data to big query

time gsutil cp $file.gz gs://$bucket_name/
time bq --nosync load -F '^' --max_bad_record=30000 mycompany.raw_data gs://$bucket_name/$file.gz ip:string,cb:string,country:string,telco_name:string, ...



# make sure that mysql has write permission to raw_location path /mnt/
# make sure the 2 utilities are installed from ...

Here is another shell script that will copy the current MySQL table to big-query.

time mysql -e"drop table if exists test.google_query"

time mysql vserv -e"create table test.google_query engine=MyISAM
SELECT s.zone_id AS zone_id, ...
WHERE ncyid = 3 AND s.date_time>='2012-07-01 00:00:00' AND s.date_time<='2012-07-02 23:59:59' "

time mysqldump test google_query --tab=/mnt/
time gzip /mnt/google_query.txt

time bq --nosync load  -F '\t' --max_bad_record=30000 --job_id summary_2012_07_09_to_2012_07_02  company.summary02 /mnt/google_query.txt.gz zone_id:string,requests:integer,total_revenue:float,...

time bq query "SELECT FROM company.summary02 WHERE date_time>='2012-07-01 00:00:00' AND date_time<='2012-07-02 23:59:59' GROUP BY continent, country"

// this tutorial shows how to integrate big-query results into google spreadsheet.

// gsutil can be used with both, google cloud as well as aws s3 provided you have added the aws_key and aws_secret_key to ~/.boto file:
gsutil -m cp -R s3://from_aws/ gs://daily_log/

// gsutil supports multi-thread option while s3cmd supports sync option as shown below:
s3cmd sync local_dir s3://from_aws/

// create JSON schema from MySQL save it as summary.json
select CONCAT('{"name": "', COLUMN_NAME, '","type":"', IF(DATA_TYPE like "%int%", "INTEGER",IF(DATA_TYPE="decimal","FLOAT","STRING")) , '"},') as json from information_schema.columns where TABLE_SCHEMA = 'test' AND TABLE_NAME = 'summary'

mysqldump test summary --tab=.

time bq load --nosync -F '\t' --max_bad_record=30000 company.ox_banners ./ox_banners.txt ./ox_banners.json


Here is the script that will copy the MySQL table to Big Query table

# change the big query db variables and then
# run the script with mysql DB and Table name for e.g.
# sh -xv asgs1a_vol_e6d65888 ox_data_archive_r_20120727

if [ $# -eq 0 ]
    echo "DB and table name required"
exit 1


cat > json_query.txt << heredoc
select CONCAT('{"name": "', COLUMN_NAME, '","type":"', IF(DATA_TYPE like "%int%", "INTEGER",IF(DATA_TYPE="decimal","FLOAT","STRING")) , '"},') as json from information_schema.columns where TABLE_SCHEMA = '$TABLE_SCHEMA' AND TABLE_NAME = '$TABLE_NAME';

echo '[' >  $TABLE_NAME.json
mysql -Bs < json_query.txt | sed '$s/,$//' >> $TABLE_NAME.json
echo ']' >>  $TABLE_NAME.json

mysqldump $TABLE_SCHEMA $TABLE_NAME --tab=.
time sed 's/\"//' $TABLE_NAME.txt | gzip -c > $TABLE_NAME.txt.gz

mytime=`date '+%y%m%d%H%M'`
time bq load --nosync -F '\t' --job_id="$TABLE_NAME$mytime" --max_bad_record=30000 $BIG_QUERY_DB.$TABLE_NAME $TABLE_NAME.txt.gz $TABLE_NAME.json

# download the script

# if required use dos2unix command to make it in linux format
# now dump and transfer the data from table mytable of company database
sh -xv company mytable

# If you need to process the text files, use the following scirpt

The following script will remove all the data from google cloud.
Use it with utmost care!

for mybucket in `gsutil ls`
gsutil rm -R $mybucket > /dev/null
gsutil rb $mybucket

Script to remove all tables from big query

# can add -r -f to rm command
# if you want to forcefully remove all tables
# datasetId from the command "bq ls"

for mytable in `bq ls $datasetId`
bq rm $datasetId.$mytable

#You were warned

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May 01, 2012


Setting the bucket policy for s3

By default the objects that are put into your bucket are not accessible by public.
But if you still want to have a Deny policy (for example for cases when an object has public-read in its ACL), the policy should look like:
        "NotPrincipal": {
Notice NotPrincipal element that excludes you (XXXXAAAAYYYY is your AWS account Id) from a deny statement. The resource with "bucket/*" relates to all objects inside the bucket, but not the bucket iteself.
The following policy would be wrong because it will lock out the owner as well.
  "Id": "Policy09210983",
  "Statement": [{
      "Sid": "Deny",
      "Action": "s3:*",
      "Effect": "Deny",
      "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::bucketname",
      "Principal": {"AWS": [


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