Shantanu's Blog

Database Consultant

December 31, 2019


About CloudFormation

CloudFormation was released in February 2011 as a service offering for Infrastructure as Code (IaC). This tool relies on declarative blueprint documents known as Templates. While initially, template could only be composed in JSON, several years later in 2016, support for YAML was added.

Template Anatomy
Templates supports top level structure using the following sections.

1. AWSTemplateFormatVersion
2. Description
3. Metadata
4. Parameters
5. Mappings
6. Conditions
7. Transform
8. Resources
9. Outputs

Among this list, Resources is the only mandatory section. After all, the goal is to provision AWS resources. The collection of resources provisioned by a given template is called a CloudFormation Stack and area treated as a single unit.

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December 24, 2019


Console Recorder for AWS

Writing cloudformation code can be very difficult for learners. Here is a "Recorder" that will watch your browser activity and convert it to CloudFormation/Terraform templates. Neat!

Generate CloudFormation / Terraform / Troposphere templates from your existing AWS resources

Source code:

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December 23, 2019


Use cloudformation macros in 3 steps

1) Deploy Lambda function, called "variableSubstitution":

import json

def variable_substitution(event, context):
    context = event['templateParameterValues']
    fragment = walk(event['fragment'], context)
    resp = {
      'requestId': event['requestId'],
      'status': 'success',
      'fragment': fragment
    return resp

def walk(node, context):
    if isinstance(node, dict):
        return { k: walk(v, context) for k, v in node.items() }
    elif isinstance(node, list):
        return [walk(elem, context) for elem in node]
    elif isinstance(node, str):
        return node.format(**context)
        return node

2) Create a Macro called "vS" to refer to the Lambda Function:

   Type: AWS::CloudFormation::Macro
     Name: vS
     FunctionName: variableSubstitution

3) Use the Macro in Transform:

  - vS
    Type: String
    Default: dev
      - dev
      - staging
      - prod
    Type: AWS::SNS::Topic
      TopicName: "MyTopic-{stage}" # <-- look="" ma="" p="" python="" templating="">

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December 11, 2019


Pandas case study 19

# Pandas stores the data in the form of collection of series. Let's take an example:

df = pd.DataFrame(
    {"a": [10, 20, 30], "b": [5, 10, 15], "c": [10, 100, 1000]},
    index=["A1", "B1", "C1"],

# All 3 statements mentioned above will provide the total of each series. The first column, "a" total is 60 (10+20+30)

df.apply(lambda x: x.sum(), axis=0)
df.apply(lambda x: x.sum())

# Both the following statements will create a new row called "Total" and the column wise sum is appended!

df.loc["Total"] = df.sum()
df.loc["Total", :] = df.sum()

# If you need row wise calculations instead of columns, use axis parameter 1 instead of default 0. Here is lambda example.

df.apply(lambda x: x["a"] * x["b"], axis=1)

# Lambda function can be changed to function. Use apply method to call the function to be applied row-wise.

def multiply_col1_col2(col):
    return col["a"] * col["b"]

df.apply(multiply_col1_col2, axis=1)


December 05, 2019


Submit a batch job using boto

Here is the code to submit your batch job programmatically.

import boto3
session = boto3.Session(
client = session.client("batch")
JOB_NAME = "nlptensorboto1"
JOB_QUEUE = "arn:aws:batch:us-east-1:302xxx:job-queue/nlpmljob"
JOB_DEFINITION = "arn:aws:batch:us-east-1:302xxx:job-definition/nlptensor:1"

    containerOverrides={"environment": [{"name": "senderid", "value": "xxx"}]},

Here is another script to run a script /tmp/ from the docker container shantanuo/dfbatch

import boto3

def mybatch(i):
    myenviron = {
        "slices": "10",
        "index_value": str(i),
        "mybucket": "testme163",
        "ac": "xxx",
        "se": "xxx",

    mynewlist = list()
    for k, v in myenviron.items():
        mydict = dict()
        mydict["name"] = k
        mydict["value"] = v

    session = boto3.Session(

    client = session.client("batch")
    JOB_NAME = "dfslice"
    JOB_QUEUE = "arn:aws:batch:us-east-1:05134697046330:job-queue/dfslice_queue"
    JOB_DEFINITION = "arn:aws:batch:us-east-1:05134697046330:job-definition/dfslice_jd:1"

        containerOverrides={"environment": mynewlist},
for i in range(12):

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