Shantanu's Blog

Database Consultant

February 29, 2020


Pandas case study 29

Is there a way to identify leading and trailing NAs in a pandas.DataFrame?  Currently I do the following but it seems not straightforward:

df = pd.DataFrame(dict(a=[0.1, 0.2, 0.2],
                       b=[None, 0.1, None],
                       c=[0.1, None, 0.1])
lead_na = (df.isnull() == False).cumsum() == 0
trail_na = (df.iloc[::-1].isnull() == False).cumsum().iloc[::-1] == 0
trail_lead_nas = top_na | trail_na

Any ideas how this could be expressed more efficiently?


df.ffill().isna() | df.bfill().isna()



Pandas case study 28

I am attempting to generate a dataframe (or series) based on another dataframe, selecting a different column from the first frame dependent on the row using another series. In the below simplified example, I want the frame1 values from 'a' for the first three rows, and 'b for the final two (the picked_values series).


    a           b
0   0.283519    1.462209
1   -0.352342   1.254098
2   0.731701    0.236017
3   0.022217    -1.469342
4   0.386000    -0.706614
Trying to get to the series:

0   0.283519
1   -0.352342
2   0.731701
3   -1.469342
4   -0.706614

I was hoping values[picked_values] would work, but this ends up with five columns.





Pandas case study 27

I have a dataframe that looks like below.

dataframe1 =
In  AA   BB  CC
0   10   1   0
1   11   2   3
2   10   6   0
3   9    1   0
4   10   3   1
5   1    2   0

now I want to create a dataframe that gives me the count of modes for each column, for column AA the count is 3 for mode 10, for columns CC the count is 4 for mode 0, but for BB there are two modes 1 and 2, so for BB I want the sum of counts for the modes. so for BB the count is 2+2=4, for mode 1 and 2.

Therefore the final dataframe that I want looks like below.

Columns  Counts
AA        3
BB        4
CC        4

How to do it?


You can compare columns with modes and count matches by sum:

df = pd.DataFrame({'Columns': df.columns,
                   'Val':[df[x].isin(df[x].mode()).sum() for x in df]})
print (df)
  Columns  Val
0      AA    3
1      BB    4
2      CC    4



Pandas case study 26

I have a list of dictionaries, and I would like to obtain those that have the same value in a key:

my_list_of_dicts = [{
    'id': 3,
    'name': 'John'
    'id': 5,
    'name': 'Peter'
    'id': 2,
    'name': 'Peter'
    'id': 6,
    'name': 'Mariah'
    'id': 7,
    'name': 'John'
    'id': 1,
    'name': 'Louis'


df = pd.DataFrame(my_list_of_dicts)



Pandas case study 25

I have this dataframe that I need to re-format for report purpose.

df = pd.DataFrame(data = {'RecordID' : [1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,5,5,5,5],
'DisplayLabel' : ['Source','Test','Value 1','Value 2','Value3','Source','Test','Value 1','Value 2','Source','Test','Value 1','Value 2','Source','Test','Value 1','Value 2','Source','Test','Value 1','Value 2'],
'Value' : ['Web','Logic','S','I','Complete','Person','Voice','>20','P','Mail','OCR','A','I','Dictation','Understandable','S','I','Web','Logic','R','S']})

I am trying to "unmelt" though not exactly the source and test columns into new dataframe.

Answer 1: mask, pivot and join

mask = df['DisplayLabel'].str.contains('Value')
df2 = df[~mask].pivot(index='RecordID', columns='DisplayLabel', values='Value')

dfpiv = (

Answer 2: set_index, unstack, then melt

df.set_index(['RecordID', 'DisplayLabel']).Value.unstack().reset_index() \
  .melt(['RecordID', 'Source', 'Test'], var_name='Result', value_name='Value') \



Pandas case study 24

I have such DataFrame:

df = pd.DataFrame(data={
    'col0': [11, 22,1, 5]
    'col1': ['aa:a:aaa', 'a:a', 'a', 'a:aa:a:aaa'],
    'col2': ["foo", "foo", "foobar", "bar"],
    'col3': [True, False, True, False],
    'col4': ['elo', 'foo', 'bar', 'dupa']})

I want to get length of the list after split on ":" in col1, then I want to overwrite the values if length > 2


First, we need to know the length...


If the length is greater than 2 then such rows should be replaced with blank values.

df.loc[df['col1'].str.split(":").apply(len).gt(2), ['col1','col2','col3']] = ["", "", False]


February 19, 2020


MySQL case study 184

How do I enable general log of mysql and then query the log using the commands like tail and grep?

mysql> set global general_log_file="general.log";

tail -f general.log | tee -a from_general.txt

# make sure to use "Select" (note the capital s) in your application query and then search for it general log

tail -f general.log | grep Select

grep -i "SELECT " /var/log/mysql/general.log | grep -io "SELECT .*" | sed 's|\(FROM [^ ]*\) .*|\1|' | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | head -100

grep "from " general.log | awk -Ffrom '{print $2}' | awk '{print $1}' | cat

# Or use packetbeat to push the queries to elastic - for better search experience!

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Manage athena tables using python

Here is 4 or 5 lines of code to read data from athena table into pandas dataframe.

from pyathena import connect
from pyathena.pandas.util import to_sql

bucket = ‘my_bucket_name’

conn = connect(
    s3_staging_dir="s3://" + bucket + "/tutorial/staging/",

ndf = pd.read_sql("SELECT * FROM sampledb.todel limit 100", conn)

# pandas dataframe to Athena table

to_sql(ndf, "sample_table", conn, "s3://" + bucket + "/tutorial/s3dir/",
    schema="sampledb", index=False, if_exists="replace")


The following script will display output of "show create table" command for all tables. It will also create a new excel file called "output.xlsx". 10 records from each table will be saved on separate sheets of the file. Running this script is recommended to learn more about the tables you have saved in Athena.

import pandas as pd
from pyathena import connect
from pyathena.pandas.util import to_sql

conn = connect(
    aws_access_key_id="XXX", aws_secret_access_key="XXX",

dbname = pd.read_sql("show databases", conn)

mydict = dict()
for db in dbname["database_name"]:
    mydict[db] = pd.read_sql("show tables in {0}".format(db), conn)

newdict = dict()
for k in mydict.keys():
    for i in mydict[k].values:
        newdict["{0}.{1}".format(k, i[0])] = pd.read_sql("show create table {0}.{1}".format(k, i[0]), conn)

# print the create table output:
for i in newdict.keys():
    for x in newdict[i].values:

# select 10 records from each table and save as excel sheets:
datadict = dict()
for k in mydict.keys():
    for i in mydict[k].values:
            datadict["{0}.{1}".format(k, i[0])] = pd.read_sql( "select * from {0}.{1} limit 10".format(k, i[0]), conn)

with pd.ExcelWriter("output.xlsx") as writer:
    for k, v in datadict.items():
        v.to_excel(writer, sheet_name=k)

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connect to redshift and import data into pandas

There are 2 ways to connect to redshift server and get the data into pandas dataframe. Use the module "sqlalchemy" or "psycopg2". As you can see, sqlalchemy is using psycopg2 module internally.

from sqlalchemy import create_engine

pg_engine = create_engine(
    "postgresql+psycopg2://%s:%s@%s:%i/%s" % (myuser, mypasswd, myserver, int(myport), mydbname)

my_query = "select * from some_table limit 100”
df = pd.read_sql(my_query, con=pg_engine)

since "create_engine" class can also be used to connect to mysql database, it is recommended for the sake of consistency.

#!pip install psycopg2-binary
import psycopg2
pconn = psycopg2.connect("host=myserver port=myport  dbname=mydbname user=myuser password=mypasswd")
my_query = "select * from some_table limit 100”

cur = pconn.cursor()           
mydict = cur.fetchall()
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame(mydict)

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Import csv data and convert it to parquet in athena

# Let's assume we have a large file that we need to import in athena, here are the commands to be used.

# gunzip -c panindia_pincode.csv.gz | head

# create a table in athena

CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE pandindia_pincode (
  serial_number string,
  pincode_number string,
  client_city string,
  client_state string,
  dummy1 string,
  dummy2 string,
  dummy3 string,
  dummy4 string)
ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.OpenCSVSerde'
  'serialization.format' = ',',
  'field.delim' = ',',
   "quoteChar"     = "\""
LOCATION 's3://datameetgeo/pincode/'
TBLPROPERTIES ('has_encrypted_data'='false');

## create parquet file format table

CREATE TABLE default.pandindia_pincode_parq
with (format='PARQUET', external_location='s3://datameetgeo/parquetpincode/'
) AS
SELECT * FROM default.pandindia_pincode

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February 16, 2020


Using Python in Redshift

Here is a python function that can be installed in Redshift. It will normalize the text by removing junk characters and non-essential strings.

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION f_file_split (mystr varchar(1000) ) RETURNS varchar(1000) IMMUTABLE as $$ 
        import itertools
        if mystr:
            for i in mystr[:100].split("_"):
                for x in i.split("-"):
                    for y in x.split("/"):

        news = ' '.join(itertools.chain(*mylist))
        stopwords = ['sanstha', 'vikas', 'society', 'seva', 'json']
        for i in news.split():
            if len(i) < 4 or i in stopwords or i.isdigit() or i.startswith('bnk') or not i.isalpha() :
                newlist.append(i.lower().replace('vkss', '').replace('vks',''))
        return ' '.join(set(newlist))


$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu

I can add a new column in the table and populate that column with transformed values.

alter table final_details add column branch_name_fuzzy varchar(500);

update final_details set branch_name_fuzzy = f_file_split(filename);

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Using partitions in Athena table

Here is a create table query that will create a partitioned table. The column "product_category" that is used for partitions, is not part of create table statement and still shows up in the select query.

  `marketplace` varchar(10),
  `customer_id` varchar(15),
  `review_id` varchar(15),
  `product_id` varchar(25),
  `product_parent` varchar(15),
  `product_title` varchar(50),
  `star_rating` int,
  `helpful_votes` int,
  `total_votes` int,
  `vine` varchar(5),
  `verified_purchase` varchar(5),
  `review_headline` varchar(25),
  `review_body` varchar(1024),
  `review_date` date,
  `year` int)
  `product_category` varchar(25))

In order to populate the table, we will need to use the alter table statement.
location 's3://amazon-reviews-pds/parquet/product_category=Apparel/'
location 's3://amazon-reviews-pds/parquet/product_category=Automotive'
location 's3://amazon-reviews-pds/parquet/product_category=Baby'
location 's3://amazon-reviews-pds/parquet/product_category=Beauty'
location 's3://amazon-reviews-pds/parquet/product_category=Books'
location 's3://amazon-reviews-pds/parquet/product_category=Camera'
location 's3://amazon-reviews-pds/parquet/product_category=Grocery'
location 's3://amazon-reviews-pds/parquet/product_category=Furniture'
location 's3://amazon-reviews-pds/parquet/product_category=Watches'
location 's3://amazon-reviews-pds/parquet/product_category=Lawn_and_Garden';

Around 1 TB data per category is already saved in the given S3 bucket in parquet format.

# aws s3 ls --human s3://amazon-reviews-pds/parquet/product_category=Apparel/
2018-04-09 06:35:35  115.0 MiB part-00000-495c48e6-96d6-4650-aa65-3c36a3516ddd.c000.snappy.parquet
2018-04-09 06:35:35  115.3 MiB part-00001-495c48e6-96d6-4650-aa65-3c36a3516ddd.c000.snappy.parquet
2018-04-09 06:35:36  114.9 MiB part-00002-495c48e6-96d6-4650-aa65-3c36a3516ddd.c000.snappy.parquet
2018-04-09 06:35:35  115.2 MiB part-00003-495c48e6-96d6-4650-aa65-3c36a3516ddd.c000.snappy.parquet
2018-04-09 06:35:35  115.3 MiB part-00004-495c48e6-96d6-4650-aa65-3c36a3516ddd.c000.snappy.parquet
2018-04-09 06:35:39  115.3 MiB part-00005-495c48e6-96d6-4650-aa65-3c36a3516ddd.c000.snappy.parquet
2018-04-09 06:35:39  115.4 MiB part-00006-495c48e6-96d6-4650-aa65-3c36a3516ddd.c000.snappy.parquet
2018-04-09 06:35:39  114.8 MiB part-00007-495c48e6-96d6-4650-aa65-3c36a3516ddd.c000.snappy.parquet
2018-04-09 06:35:39  115.3 MiB part-00008-495c48e6-96d6-4650-aa65-3c36a3516ddd.c000.snappy.parquet
2018-04-09 06:35:40  115.3 MiB part-00009-495c48e6-96d6-4650-aa65-3c36a3516ddd.c000.snappy.parquet

If you are planning to use csv instead of parquet, then you will have to change the serialization, input / output formats in the create table statement.

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February 15, 2020


Manage Athena tables using PyAthena

PyAthena is an indispensable toolfor Amazon Athena.

import pandas as pd
from pyathena import connect
from pyathena.pandas.util import to_sql

# create connection object
conn = connect(aws_access_key_id="xxx",

# You may have a very large dataframe instead of this...
df = pd.DataFrame({"a": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 21, 545]})

# use the helper function
to_sql(df, "todel", conn, "s3://testme162/tutorial/s3dir/",
    schema="sampledb", index=False, if_exists="replace")

# read the athena data into a new dataframe
ndf = pd.read_sql("SELECT * FROM sampledb.todel limit 100", conn)

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Pandas case study 23

Here is a pandas way of processing the values in column "GMT_DATE" using the given function and then rename it to "datetime1" to be declared as index.


def mydate(x):
        return dt.datetime.strptime(x, '%d%m%y %H%M%S')
    except ValueError:
        return pd.NaT

df=pd.read_csv('vtss.txt', sep=',', header=None, names = myheader, parse_dates={'datetime1' : ["GMT_DATE"]}, date_parser=mydate, keep_date_col=True, index_col='datetime1')


February 08, 2020


Pandas case study 22

This is how easy it is to connect to mysql data-source and get the query results into a dataframe.

# conda install -y sqlalchemy pymysql

import pandas as pd
import sqlalchemy
engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine('mysql+pymysql://root:XXXXX@')
df = pd.read_sql_query('SELECT * FROM candidateresult limit 10', engine, index_col = 'resultid')

You can also connect to redshift database and get the data into a pandas dataframe using this code...

import easyboto

dlr=x.runQuery("select * from some_table limit 10 ")

dlr.columns=["useID","messageid","client_code", "message", "status", "mobilenos"]

You will need to save a file called "" and here is the code:

For more advance options use awswrangler

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February 07, 2020


Shell script basics

This shell script will check 10 IP addresses sequentially and print if they are responding to ping command.

for ip in 192.168.1.{1..10}; do 
    ping -c 1 -t 1 $ip > /dev/null 2> /dev/null 
    if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then 
        echo "$ip is up"
        echo "$ip is down"

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February 06, 2020


MySQL case study 183

There are times when my stored procedure fails with this error:

mysql> call PROC_DBD_EVENTS;

ERROR 1270 (HY000): Illegal mix of collations (utf8_general_ci,COERCIBLE), (utf8_general_ci,COERCIBLE), (latin1_swedish_ci,IMPLICIT) for operation 'case'

1) The work-around is to modify the proc table like this...

mysql> select db,name,character_set_client,collation_connection from mysql.proc where name='PROC_DBD_EVENTS' ;
| db | name | character_set_client | collation_connection |
| upsrtcVTS | PROC_DBD_EVENTS | utf8 | utf8_general_ci |

update mysql.proc set character_set_client='latin1', collation_connection='latin1_swedish_ci' where name= "PROC_DBD_EVENTS";

2) But officially supported workaround should be (re)creating the procedure using latin1 character set: E.g. in MySQL command line client:

set names latin1;

3) In Java application you should not use utf8 in connection string, (when procedure is created), and use Cp1252 instead, e.g.:


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Manage redshift cluster using boto

Save or restore from last snapshot and delete the running redshift cluster are the two important activities those are possible using this boto code.

import boto
import datetime
conn = boto.connect_redshift(aws_access_key_id='XXX', aws_secret_access_key='XXX')

mymonth ="%b").lower()
myday ="%d")
myvar = mymonth+myday+'-v-mar5-dreport-new'

# take snapshot and delete cluster
conn.delete_cluster(myidentifier, skip_final_cluster_snapshot=False, final_cluster_snapshot_identifier=myvar)

# Restore from the last snapshot
response = conn.describe_cluster_snapshots()
snapshots = response['DescribeClusterSnapshotsResponse']['DescribeClusterSnapshotsResult']['Snapshots']
snapshots.sort(key=lambda d: d['SnapshotCreateTime'])
mysnapidentifier = snapshots[-1]['SnapshotIdentifier']
conn.restore_from_cluster_snapshot('v-mar5-dreport-new', mysnapidentifier, availability_zone='us-east-1a')

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MySQL case study 182

It is easy to use Docker to start multiple mysql instances. But it is also possible using multi mysql as shown below:

$ cat /bin/multi
# chmod 755 /bin/multi
# to start or stop multiple instances of mysql
# multi start
# multi stop
# change the root user and password # default action is to start


for socket in {3307..3320}
mysqladmin shutdown -uroot -proot@123 --socket=/tmp/mysql.sock$socket

for socket in {3307..3320}
mysqld_multi start $socket


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MySQL Case Study - 181

Backup mysql tables

Here is a shell script that will take backup of 3 tables from a database. The records will be delimited by Tile + Tile (~~)

rm -rf /pdump && mkdir /pdump
chmod 777 /pdump
while read -r myTBL
mysql -uroot -pPasswd -Bse"select * into outfile '/pdump/$myTBL.000000.txt' FIELDS TERMINATED BY '~~'  from dbName.$myTBL"
done << heredoc

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